***Dr. Ajemian is not currently accepting graduate students***

Dr. Ajemian mentors graduate students admitted into Florida Atlantic University's MS programs in Marine Science and Oceanography, Biology, and PhD programs in Integrative Biology and Geosciences. Serious prospective students should learn about these programs and their varying application deadlines before inquiring about a position in the lab. Before reaching out to Dr. Ajemian, they should be ready to provide a professional CV, Statement of Interest, Writing Sample, list of professional references and be prepared to explain how their skills/interest can contribute to the mission of the FEC program. Only serious applicants will be considered, and those “just interested in working with sharks/rays” will be immediately discounted. Multiple support mechanisms are available to students at FAU on a competitive basis, including fellowships, teaching and research assistantships (grant-funded). However, prospective applicants are encouraged to seek external ways to support their graduate education as well.

For more information on FAU graduate programs see this link: