briney baffin's black drum
Photo credit: Center for Sportfish Science & Conservation
Dr. Ajemian's postdoctoral work included an assessment of the habitat use and foraging ecology of Black Drum in one of Texas' iconic hypersaline estuaries - Baffin Bay. Home to historical trophy fishing and a once productive commercial Black Drum fishery, Baffin Bay has witnessed periodic "jelly-flesh" in their drum in recent years. With his colleagues at the CSSC and TAMU-CC, Ajemian examined whether these fish remain in the system throughout the year, and how they are obtaining nutrition from decimated bivalve populations. The group is preparing a manuscript for submission in 2017.
Collaborators: Dr. Jennifer Pollack (TAMU-CC), Dr. Greg Stunz (HRI/TAMU-CC), Dr. Mike Wetz (TAMU-CC)
Funding: Coastal Bend and Bays Estuaries Program, Texas Sea Grant