^=student; Lab members in bold


Hampton, C.M.^, Brewster, L.R., DeGroot, B.C., Bassos-Hull, K., Mooney, T.A., and M.J. Ajemian. Sticking with it: a multi-sensor tag to reveal the foraging ecology and fine-scale behavior of elusive durophagous stingrays. Animal Biotelemetry.


Ibrahim, A.K., Hampton, C.M.^, DeGroot, B.C., Zhuang, H., Cherubin, L.M., and M.J. Ajemian. Machine Learning Approaches to Shell-Crushing Predation Detection and Classification in Marine Ecosystems. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

Barry, S*, Adams, D., Ajemian, M.J., Bangley, C., Gelsleichter, J., Hammerschlag, N., and T. Daly-Engel. In Review. Sharks adapt their life history strategies in response to climate change. Nature Climate Change.

Kleiman, L E.., Young, J.M., Rhoades, O., Ajemian, M.J., and J.D. Baldwin. In Review. The role of freshwater discharges on Common Snook movements and distribution in a South Florida estuary. Marine and Coastal Fisheries.

Curtis, T.H., Scannell, B.J.^, Metzger, G., Cahill, B.V., Paparo, C., Galuardi, B., Berkout, M., Zublionis, W., Iudica, L., Newton, A., Brewster, L.R., Ajemian, M.J., Quevedo, F., and B. Peterson. In Review. Scratching the surface: Swimming depths of multiple shark species in New York coastal waters and implications for aerial monitoring. Marine and Coastal Fisheries.


72. McCallister, M.P.^, Brewster, L.R., Dean, C., Drymon, J.M., Hutt, C., Ostendorf, T.J., and M.J. Ajemian. 2025. A multifaceted citizen-science approach for characterizing shark depredation in Florida’s recreational fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 82(2) fsaf013. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaf013

71. Lombardo, S.M.^, Adams, A.J., Paperno, R., Cianciotto, A., Swenson, J.^, Komoroske, L., MacDonald, T., Ostendorf, T.J., Shenker, J., Wills, P.S., and M.J. Ajemian. In Press. Evaluation of juvenile Bonefish (Albula spp.) habitat preferences in tropical and subtropical Florida. Marine and Coastal Fisheries


70. Araujo, P.R.V., Postaire, B.D., Feldheim, K.A., Bassos-Hull, K., Lessa, R., and M.J. Ajemian. 2024. Population structure of Aetobatus narinari (Myliobatiformes) caught by the artisanal fishery in Northeast Brazil. Diversity 16, 377. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/16/7/377

69. Ajemian, M.J., Hampton, C.M., Coleman, L.M., Pitt, J., Smith, S.R., Jones, C., and N.M. Phillips. 2024. Recent expansion of the Atlantic cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) into Bermudian waters. Frontiers in Fish Science 2(2024): 1394011. https://doi.org/10.3389/frish.2024.1394011


68. Cahill, B.V.^, Eckert, R.J.^, Bassos-Hull, K., Ostendorf, T.J., Voss, J.D., DeGroot, B.C., and M.J. Ajemian. Diet and feeding ecology of the whitespotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) from Florida coastal waters revealed via DNA barcoding. Fishes 8(8): 388. https://www.mdpi.com/2410-3888/8/8/388

67. Brewster, L.R., Ibrahim, A.K., Locascio, J.V., DeGroot, B.C., Cherubin, L.M., and M.J., Ajemian. 2023. Seasonal dynamics and environmental drivers of Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) sound production. Fishes 8(6): 293. https://www.mdpi.com/2410-3888/8/6/293

66. Cahill, B.V.^, DeGroot, B.C., Brewster, L.R., Lombardo, S.M., Bangley, C., Ogburn, M. and M.J. Ajemian. 2023. Visitation patterns of two ray mesopredators at shellfish aquaculture leases in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. PLoS ONE 18(5): e0285390. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0285390

65. Altaher, A.^, Zhuang, H., Ibrahim, A., Ali Muhmamed, A., Altaher, A.^, Locascio, J.V., McCallister, M.P., Ajemian, M.J., and L.M. Cherubin. 2023. Detection and localization of Goliath Grouper using their low-frequency pulse sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153(4): 2190-2202. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0017804

64. Cahill, B.V.^, McCulloch, K.L.^, DeGroot, B.C., Bassos-Hull, K.B., and M.J. Ajemian. 2023. Breaking bags and crunching clams: Assessing whitespotted eagle ray interactions with shellfish aquaculture gear. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 15: 59-71. https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/aei/v15/p59-71/

63. McCallister, M.P., Oppenborn, J., and M.J. Ajemian. 2023. Fish community assessment of shelf-edge artificial reefs along the central east coast of Florida. Fisheries Research 259: 106561. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106561

62. Edwards, M.L.^, Schaefer, A.M., McFarland, M., Fire, S., Perkins, C.R., and M.J. Ajemian. 2023. Detection of numerous phycotoxins in young bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) collected from an estuary of national significance. Science of the Total Environment. 857(3): 159602. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159602


61. Mitchell, JD, JM Drymon, J Vardon, PG Coulson, CA Simpfendorfer, SB Scyphers, SM Kajiura, K Hoel, S Williams, KL Ryan, A Barnett, MR Heupel, A Chin, M Navarro, T Langlois, MJ Ajemian, E Gilman, E Prasky, G Jackson. 2022. Shark Depredation: Future Directions in Research and Management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-022-09732-9

60. Lombardo, S.M.^, Cherubin, L.M., Adams, A.J., Shenker, J.A., Wills, P.S., Danylchuk, A.J., and M.J. Ajemian. 2022. Biophysical larval dispersal models of observed bonefish (Albula vulpes) spawning events in Abaco, The Bahamas: An assessment of population connectivity and ocean dynamics. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0276528. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0276528.

59. Jargowsky, M.B., Huerta-Beltran, B.L., Ajemian, M.J., Colvin, M.E., and J.M. Drymon. 2022. Growth, reproduction, and age at maturity of Lessa's butterfly ray Gymnura lessae in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Biology of Fishes. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-022-01347-0

58. Edwards, M.L.^, McCallister, M.P., Brewster, L.R., Bangley, C., Curtis, T.H., Ogburn, M., and M.J. Ajemian. 2022. Long-term acoustic monitoring of immature bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas reveals seasonal movement dynamics across an extended nursery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 695:125-138. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14113

57. Andrzejaczek, S.,…Ajemian, M.J., …+175 authors…D.J. Curnick. 2022. Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances 8(33): abo1754. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abo1754

56. McLean, D.L., Ferreira, L.C., Benthuysen, J.A., Miller, K.J., Schläppy, M.L., Ajemian, M.J., + 40 authors…and M. Thums. 2022. Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on ecological connectivity in the oceans. Global Change Biology 28(11): 3515-3536. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16134

55. James, R.^, Curtis, T.H., Metzger, G., Galuardi, B., Newton, H., McCallister, M.P., and Ajemian, M.J. 2022. Overwinter habitat use of young-of-the-year white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) off the eastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 120: 68-73. doi: 10.7755/FB.120.1.6


54. Serrano-Flores, F.^, Torres-Rojas, Y., Mendoza-Carranza, M., Ajemian, M.J., and J.C. Pérez-Jiménez. 2021. Advances in the study of the trophic niche of batoids with distribution in Mexican waters. Marine Ecology 42(6): e12687. https://doi.org/10.1111/maec.12687

53. Brewster, L.R., Ibrahim, A., DeGroot, B.C., Ostendorf, T.J., Zhuang, H., Cherubin, L.M., and M.J. Ajemian. 2021. Classifying Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) Behaviors from a Novel, Multi-sensor Tag. Sensors 21(19), 6392. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21196392

52. Lehman, R.N.^, Poulakis G.R., Scharer, R.M., Hendon, J.M., Court, A.G., Wooley, A.K., Williams, A.M., Ajemian, M.J., Hadden, J.P., Beal, J., McCallister, M.P., and N.M. Phillips. 2021. Environmental DNA evidence of the Critically Endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in historically occupied United States waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3721

51. Shaw, R.L.^, Curtis, T.H., Metzger, G., McCallister, M.P., Newton, A., Fischer, G.C., and M.J. Ajemian. 2021. Three-dimensional movements and habitat selection of young white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) across a temperate continental shelf ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 643831.

50. DeGroot, B.C.^, Bassos-Hull, K.B., Wilkinson, K.A., Lowerre-Barbieri, S., Poulakis, G.R., and M.J. Ajemian. 2021. Variable Migration Patterns of Whitespotted Eagle Rays, Aetobatus narinari, along Florida’s Coastlines. Marine Biology 168: 18.

49. Ajemian, M.J., Lamboy, C.^, Ibrahim, A.^, DeGroot, B.C^, Bassos-Hull, K.B., Mann, D.A., and L. Chérubin. 2021. Capturing shell-crushing by large mobile predators using passive acoustics technology. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 535: 151497

48. Roskar, A.G.^, McCallister, M.P. Schaefer, A., and M.J. Ajemian. 2021. Elasmobranch community dynamics in Florida’s southern Indian River Lagoon. Estuaries and Coasts 44: 801-817. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00804-2


47. Lombardo, S.M.^, Adams, A.J., Danylchuk, A.J., Luck, C.A.^, and M.J. Ajemian. 2020. Novel Deep-Water Spawning Patterns of a Shallow Water Fish. Marine Biology 167:187.

46. Weber, H.^, Jones, C.M., Ajemian, M.J., McCallister, M.P., Winner, B.L., Poulakis, G.R., Bethea, D.M., Hollensead, L.D., Zapf, D., Swenson, J.D., Hendon, J.M., Daly-Engel, T.S., Phillips, N.M. 2020. Genetic evidence supports a range extension for the Brazilian cownose ray Rhinoptera brasiliensis in the western North Atlantic. J. Fish. Bio 98(2):577-582. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14582

45. Brewster, L.R.^, Cahill, B.^, Burton, M.^, Dougan, C.^, Herr, J.^, Issac, L.^, McGuire, S.^, Pico, M.^, Urban-Gedamke, E.^, Bassos-Hull, K., Tyminski, J., Wetherbee, B.M., Shivji, M., Aming, C., Burnie, N., and M.J. Ajemian. 2020. First insights into the dive behavior and vertical habitat use of the whitespotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari revealed by pop-up satellite archival tags. J. Fish. Bio. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14560

44. DeGroot, B.C.^, Roskar, A.G.^, L. Brewster and M.J. Ajemian. 2020. Fine-scale Movement and Habitat Use of Whitespotted Eagle Rays, Aetobatus narinari, in the Indian River Lagoon. Endang Species Res 42:109-124. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01047

43. Ajemian, M.J., Drymon, J.M., Hammerschlag, N., Wells, R.J.D., Street, G., Falterman, B., McKinney, J.A., Driggers III, W.B., Hoffmayer, E.R., Fischer, C., and G.W. Stunz. 2020. Movement patterns and habitat use of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) across ontogeny in the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0234868. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234868

42. Shiffman, D.S., Ajemian, M.J., Bedore, C., Carrier, J, Daly-Engel, T.S, Davis, M., Dulvy, N.K., Grubbs, R.D., Hinojosa, N.A. , Imhoff, J.^, Kolmann, M., Nash, C., Paig-Tran, E.W.M. Peele, E.E., Skubel, R.A., Wetherbee, B, Whitenack, L., and Wyffels, J. 2020. Trends in chondrichthyan research: An analysis of three decades of conference abstracts. Copeia 108:122-131.

41. Brewton, R.A., Downey, C.H.^, Streich, M.K.^, Wetz, J.J., Ajemian, M.J., and G.W. Stunz. 2020. Trophic ecology of Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus on natural and artificial reefs: interactions between annual variability, habitat, and ontogeny. Marine Ecology Progress Series 635:105-122.

40. Roskar, A.G.^, McCallister, M.P., and M.J. Ajemian. 2020. Performance of two survey gears targeting elasmobranchs in a shallow, subtropical estuary. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 12(1): 50-63.

39. Wetz, J.J., Ajemian, M.J., Shipley, B., and G.W. Stunz. An Assessment of Two Visual Survey Methods for Documenting Fish Community Structure on Artificial Reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. Fisheries Research 25: 105492.

38. Perrault, J.R., Perkins, C.R., Ajemian, M.J., Bresette, M.R., Mott, C.R., and C.A. Page-Karjian. 2020. Harmful algal and cyanobacterial toxins in foraging green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Florida's Big Bend. Toxicon: X: 10020.

37. Mejri, S., Luck, C.^, Wills, P.S., Adams, A.J., Shenker, J., and M.J. Ajemian. Reproductive Physiology of Bonefishes (Albula spp.) Across the Northwest Bahamas. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 46: 699–712. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10695-019-00743-1

36. McCallister, M.P., Nobre Sales, M.A.^, Mandelman, J., Bonfil, R., Danylchuk, A., and M.J. Ajemian. 2020. First observation of mating behavior in three species of pelagic Myliobatiform rays in the wild. Environmental Biology of Fishes.


35. Jargowsky, M.B.^, Cooper, P.T., Ajemian, M.J., Colvin, M.E., and J.M. Drymon. Discerning the dietary habits of the smooth butterfly ray Gymnura lessae using two distinct methods, otolith identification and metagenetics. Journal of Fish Biology. 96 (2): 434-443. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14221

34. Mejri, S., Halstead, W.R., Luck, C.A., Robinson, C., Van Leeuwen, T.E., Shenker, J., Adams, A.J., Ajemian, M.J. and Wills, P.S. 2019. Novel attempt at the artificial spawning of captive bonefish (Albula spp.) in the laboratory. Aquaculture Research.

33. Rooker, J.A., Dance, M.A., Wells, R.J.D., Ajemian, M.J., Block, B.A., Castleton, M.R., Drymon, J.M, Falterman, B.J., Franks, J.S., Hoffmayer, E.R., Kraus, R.T., McKinney, J.A., Secor, D.H., Stunz, G.W., Walter, J.F. 2019Population connectivity of pelagic megafauna in the Cuba-Mexico-U.S. triangle. Scientific Reports 9 (2019): 1663. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-38144-8


32. Wells, R.J.D., TinHan, T.C., Dance, M.A., Drymon, J.M., Falterman, B.J., Ajemian, M.J., Stunz, G.W.,  Mohan, J.A., Hoffmayer, E.R., Driggers III, W.C., and J.A. McKinney. 2018Movement, behavior, and habitat use of a marine apex predator, the Scalloped Hammerhead. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 321. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00321

31. Mejri, S., Luck, C.A.^, Tremblay, R., Riche, M., Adams, A., Ajemian, M.J., Shenker, J., and P.S. Wills. 2019. Bonefish (Albula vulpes) oocyte lipid classes and fatty acid profiles during a reproductive cycle. Environmental Biology of Fishes (2019) 102: 221-232.

30. Luck C.A.^, Mejri, S., Lewis, J., Wills, P.S., Riche, M., Shenker, J., Adams, A., and M.J. Ajemian. 2019Seasonal and Spatial Changes in Sex Hormone Levels and Oocyte Development of Bonefish (Albula vulpes). Environmental Biology of Fishes (2019) 102:209.

29. Downey, C.H.^, Ajemian, M.J., Streich, M.K., Brewton, R.A., Wetz, J.J., and G.W. Stunz. 2018Habitat-specific reproductive potential of Red Snapper. A comparison of artificial and natural reefs in the western Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147(6): 1030-1041.

28. Curtis, T.H., Metzger, G., Fischer, C., McBride, B., McCallister, M.P., Winn, L.J., Quinlan, J., and M.J. Ajemian. 2018. First insights into the movements of young-of-the-year white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Scientific Reports 8: 10794.

27. Serrano-Flores, F. ^, Pérez-Jiménez, J.C., Méndez-Loeza, I., Bassos-Hull K.B., and M.J. Ajemian. 2018. Feeding habits of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari, and characterization of potential prey in the southern Gulf of Mexico. J. Mar. Biol. Assn. UK. 99(3), 661-672. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315418000450

26. Mendenhall Rubio, K.^, Ajemian, M.J., Stunz, G.W., Palmer, T.A., Lebreton, B., and J. Beseres Pollack. 2018. Dietary composition of black drum (Pogonias cromis) in a hypersaline estuary reflects water quality and prey availability . J. Fish. Bio 93(2): 250-262.

25. Streich, M.K.^, Ajemian, M.J., Wetz, J.J., and G.W. Stunz. 2018. Habitat-specific performance of vertical line gear in the western Gulf of Mexico: a comparison between artificial and natural habitats using a paired video approach. Fisheries Research 204:16-25.

24. Ajemian, M.J., Mendenhall, K.M., Pollack, J.B., Wetz, M., and G.W. Stunz. 2018Moving forward in a reverse estuary: movement and habitat use of Black Drum (Pogonias cromis) under distinct hydrological regimes. Estuaries. Coast.


23. Streich, M.K.^, Ajemian, M.J., Wetz, J.J., Shivley, J.D., Shipley-Lozano, B., and G.W. Stunz. 2017Effects of a new artificial reef complex on Red Snapper and the associated fish community: An evaluation using a before-after control-impact approach. Mar. Coast. Fish. 9(1):404-418.

22. Jones, C.M, Hendon, J. Hoffmayer, E.R., Quattro, J.M., Lewandowski, J., Driggers III, W.B., Roberts, M.A., Poulakis, G., Ajemian, M.J., de Carvalho, M.R., Rego, M., Hazin, F.H.B., Márquez-Farias, J.F. 2017. Morphological conservation of rays in the genus Rhinoptera (Elasmobranchii, Rhinopteridae) conceals the occurrence of a large batoid, Rhinoptera brasiliensis Müller, 1836, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa 4286(4): 499-514.

21. Streich, M.K.^, Ajemian, M.J., Wetz, J.J., Williams, J.A., Shipley-Lozano, B., and G.W. Stunz. 2017. A Comparison of Size Structure and Age and Growth of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from Artificial and Natural Habitats in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146: 762-777.

20. Streich, M.K^, Ajemian, M.J., Wetz, J.J., and G.W. Stunz. 2017. A comparison of fish community structure at mesophotic artificial reefs and natural banks in the western Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Coast. Fish 9(1): 170-189.


19. Flowers, K.I.^, Ajemian, M.J. Hull, K.B., Feldheim, K.A., Hueter, R.E., Papastamatiou, Y.P., Chapman, D.D. 2016. A Review of Residency and Return Migrations in Batoids (Rays and Skates). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 562: 251-261.

18. Ajemian, M.J., Jose, P.^, Froeschke, J., Wildhaber, M.L., and G.W. Stunz. 2016. Was everything bigger in Texas? Characterization and trends of a land-based recreational shark fishery. Mar. Coast. Fish. 8: 553-556.

17. Hall, Q.^, Robillard, M.R., Williams, J.A., Ajemian, M.J., and G.W. Stunz. 2016. Reopening of a remote tidal inlet increases recruitment of estuarine-dependent nekton. Estuaries and Coasts 39(6):1769-1784.

16. Brewton, R.A., Ajemian, M.J., Young, P.^, and G.W. Stunz. 2016. Feeding Ecology of Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus in the western Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145: 839-853.

15. Ajemian, M.J., Kenworthy, M.D.^,Cebrian, J., and J.L. Sánchez-Lizaso. 2016. Striped Red Mullet (Mullus surmuletus) aggregation dynamics and foraging behavior in the western Mediterranean Sea: Spatial and habitat related variability. Journal of Fish Biology 88: 2051-2059.

14. Ajemian, M.J. and S.P. Powers. 2016. Seasonality and ontogenetic habitat partitioning of cownose rays in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 39(4): 1234-1248. 


13. Ajemian, M.J., Wetz J.J., Shively J.D., Shipley-Lozano B. and G.W. Stunz. 2015. An analysis of artificial reef fish community structure along the Texas coast: Potential consequences of “Rigs-to-Reefs” programs. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0126354. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126354

12. Ajemian, M.J., Wetz J.J., Shipley-Lozano B., and G.W. Stunz. 2015. Rapid assessment of fish communities on oil and gas platform reefs using remotely operated vehicles. Fish. Res. 167: 143-155.

11. Aven, A.^, Carmichael, R.H., Ajemian, M.J., and S.P. Powers. 2015. Addition of passive acoustic telemetry mitigates lost data from satellite tracked manatees. Mar. Fresh. Res. 66(4): 371-374.

10. Bethea, D.M., Ajemian, M.J., Carlson, J.K., Hoffmayer, E.R., Burgess, G.H., Imhoff, J.L.^ and R.D. Grubbs. 2015. Distribution and community structure of coastal sharks in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Env. Biol. Fish. 98(5): 1233-1254.

9. Ajemian, M.J., Sohel, S.^, and Mattila, J.M. 2015. Effects of turbidity and habitat complexity on antipredator behavior of three-spined sticklebacks. Env. Biol. Fish. 98: 45-55.


8. Ajemian, M.J., and J.A. Neer. 2014. Preface: Biology and ecology of the durophagous stingrays. Env. Biol. Fish. 97 (9): 965-966.  

7. Ajemian, M.J., and S.P. Powers. 2014. Towed-float satellite telemetry tracks large-scale movement and migratory behavior of myliobatid rays. Env. Biol. Fish. 97 (9): 1067-1081.

6. Drymon, J.M., Ajemian M.J., and S.P. Powers. 2014. Distribution and dynamic habitat use of young bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in a highly stratified northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. PLoS ONE 9(5): e97124. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097124


5. Ajemian, M.J. and S.P. Powers. 2013. Foraging effects of cownose rays along barrier island habitats of the northern Gulf of Mexico. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.  439: 119-128.

4. Ajemian, M.J. and S.P. Powers. 2012. Habitat-specific feeding in cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Env. Biol. Fish. 95: 79-97.

3. Ajemian, M.J., Powers, S.P. and T.J.T. Murdoch. 2012. Estimating the potential impacts of large mesopredators on benthic resources: Integrative assessment of spotted eagle ray foraging ecology in Bermuda. PLoS ONE 7: e40227.

2. Ajemian, M.J., Dolan, D., Graham, W.M. and S.P. Powers. 2011. First evidence of elasmobranch predation by a Waterbird: Stingray attack and consumption by the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Waterbirds. 34 (1): 117-120.

1. Ajemian, M.J. and Sanford, C.P. 2007. Food capture kinematics in the deep-water chain catshark Scyliorhinus retifer. J. Mar. Biol. Assn. UK. 87: 1277-1286.